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Dates DAD'S WAR DIARY Explanations
21 Mar 41 To 27th Mar 41 Last Leave Home.
Click for full size map
18 May 41 Left Frome for Gourock
19 May 41 Boarded R.M.S. Orduna.
22 May 41 Started down the Clyde
23 May 41 Joined convoy in the Atlantic
25 May 41 Bombs dropped by German bomber on the convoy. Plane reported shot down.
30 May 41 Fire on board. Lasted 36 hours.
6 Jun 41 Entered Free-Town. Great sight seeing Africa for the 1st time.
9 Jun 41 Crossed the Line.
11 Jun 41 Mary's Wedding Ann: Celebrated
14 Jun 04 Orduna rammed by another ship in convoy. Hole pached up by canvas.
20 Jun 41 Pulled into Durban. Had 11 hours on shore.
21 Jun 41 Spent afternoon & night in Durban. Good time. Saturday night.
22 Jun 41 Had car ride. Went about 20 miles into the country. Place called Hum-bug & Twini.
23 Jun 41 Had Steering-gear test then started for Aden.
25 Jun 41 Oil leakage reported. Mineral & beer bottles covered with Oil for the rest of the trip.
28 Jun 41 Celebrated my 22nd birthday in the bar, after closing. Mr Hayes special cock-tails.
30 Jun 41 H.M.S. Exeters plane crashed during dive-bombing test. All on plane killed.
6 Jul 41 Col English died on board while acting O.C. Troops. Held V.C. Buried in Aden.
8 Jul 41 Left Aden & made up the Red-Sea for P. Tecufick. Port Taufiq, Red Sea
17 Jul 41 Landed on Egyptian soil after spending 3 or 4 days hanging about outside the harbour. The journey took a total of 59 days!
18 Jul 41 Arrived at Quassasin camp after 6 hours on the train.
28 Jul 41 Went to Cairo on leave.
Dad's Niece born - Click for full size.
29 Jul 41 Returned to camp after spending 26 hours in Cairo. Sent parcel home, & had a good-time.
3 Aug 41 Left Quassasin with guns & quads for Port-Said. Spent the night up the town.
4 Aug 41 Did as we liked in P. Said. Had a good walk around, and went to Y.M.C.A.
5 Aug 41 On Guard at night, by the docks. Air-raid alnight.
6 Aug 41 Left P. Said for Cyprus on Australian cruiser Horbart. Took 12 hours.
7 Aug 41 Landed on Cyprus at Flamagusta. Famagusta.
8 Aug 41 Til 4 Nov 41 did schemes & went all over the island. Had quite a lot of night leave down in Nicosia. Did one firing camp, & 1 patrol on the coast.
Dad Cyprus Oct 41 - Click for full size.
5 Nov 41 Left Cyprus on the Destroyer Jaguar. Landed at Heifa in Palestine & went by bus to Acre. Camped in tents close by. Sidney Smiths Barracks. Canteen and Pictures. Haifa
6 Nov 41 From 6:11:41 to 30:11:41 I had two trips to Tel-Aviv with trucks for repair, & one or two runs to Haifa. We took the guns down the valley of Jordan for Callebration. 32 Guns wheel to wheel.

Click for full size map
1 Dec 41 Set out from Acre for Iraq.
2/3 Dec 41 Passed through Trans-Jordan.
4/5 Dec 41 Entered Iraq.
6 Dec 41 Went through Bagdad. Wonderful place after going along 100s of miles of desert.
8 Dec 41 Landed at Kirkuk. Camped 10 mls through the town.
25 Dec 41 Had a good Christmas dinner & then some Indian parcels were shared out. Rained most of day, everywhere a sea of mud.
27 Dec 41 Had ½ day in K.K. Bought camera & knife & ring.
2 Jan 42 Went with Cpt Rees shooting, no luck.
12 Jan 42 Left K.K. Entered Syria on 20/1/42 after going through Bagdad, Habania, Ramade, Rutbars-Ki. Went along the Sea of Gallely through Tiberius. Baghdad, Habbaniyah, Ramadi, Rutba, Sea of Galilee, Tiberias
21 Jan 42 Arrived at camp, 25 Mls passed Balbeck, passed through Damascus on the way. I was on advance party. Postcard sent of Balbeck had on the back: “The 6 columns of Jupiter, the ruins of Baalbeck. They are included in the 7 wonders of the ancient world. It took about 2 hours to walk through them.
24/25 Dec 42 Took Penrice & Turnbull to Beirut. Slept the night at transit camp.
27 Jan 42 The rest of the battery arrived, I directed first truck from Balbeck.
6 Feb 42 Moved camp about 6 mls to another lot of huts.
11 Feb 42 Had lecture by C.R.A. Commander Royal Artillery
12 Feb 42 Left Syria for W. Desert, passed through Beirut, Acre, Ismailim, Cairo, Mersa-Matru, Sidi Barrani, Sollum, Fort Capuzza, and El-Adem. 1,157 miles. Landed in Box on Feb 20th.
20 Feb 42 To the 26/5/42 did several patrols. Out on patrol when Gerry made his push.
19 Mar 42 Pimple patrol Sgt Cartwright. From 26/5/42 to 14/6/42 fought outside & in the Box.
11 Jun 42 Mary's 2nd Wedding Anniversary Mary was Dad's Sister. He was away for the Wedding.
14 Jun 42 Broke through the enemy westward, during the night, landed in a mine-field. Got out at first light & made a hasty retreat south.
17 Jun 42 Went to Sidi Barrani for a dip in the sea & got a clean set of K.D. & socks
20 Jun 42 Moved back to Mersa. Put the guns into 4 different positions. Tobruck Fell
26 Jun 42 Cpt Rees killed by bomb. Major. W
27 Jun 42 Broke out again during early hours of the 28th. Went through Hell, let loose. My 23rd. Major Foster A.O.C.
28 Jun 42 Drove all day, went about 80 mls towards Alex. Picked up with Indian armoured cars. Dad's 23rd Birthday
29 Jun 42 Moved about 20 mls into another box held by an Indian Brigade. Bombing all night around us.
30 Jun 42 Quiet day. Moved the guns to an anti-tank position.
1 Jul 42 Shells started to come into box about 9 o/cl. Tanks reported to be driving our O.P.s in. Dinner time, Gerries tanks withdrew, after quite a good reply from the 2, 6 & 25 pounders in the box. During afternoon tanks came in again & fought it out with the guns. During this time the shelling had been intensified. Just at dusk the tanks closed right in & we had to give in, much to our dislike, & bad luck.

Dates PRISONER OF WAR Explanations
1 Jul 42 Captured by Germans at El Alemein. Over-run by tanks at dusk
2 Jul 42 Behind German lines
3 Jul 42 Behind German lines
4 Jul 42 Spent night at El-Daba. Bombing all night 1st Pen.
5 Jul 42 Mersa-Matruh 2nd Pen.
6 Jul 42 Tobruck 3rd Pen.
7 Jul 42 Derna 4th & 5th Pens.
8 Jul 42

9 Jul 42

10 Jul 42 Bengazi 6th & 7th Pens.
11 Jul 42

12 Jul 42

13 Jul 42

14 Jul 42

15 Jul 42

16 Jul 42

17 Jul 42

18 Jul 42

19 Jul 42

20 Jul 42

21 Jul 42

22 Jul 42 Left Bengazi for Italy in cargo-boat, had bomber & destroyer escort.
23 Jul 42

Click for full size map
24 Jul 42

25 Jul 42

26 Jul 42 Landed at Taranto. Spent 36 hours in the harbour.
27 Jul 42 Arrived at Tuo-Turano (Tuturano) transit-camp after a nights train ride 8th Pen.
28 Jul 42

29 Jul 42

30 Jul 42 Walked to Brindisi for showers
31 Jul 42

1 Aug 42

2 Aug 42 Arrived at Altamura or Camp No 8851. (POW camp No 51 Altamura Villa Serena Bari - Transit camp) PM3450 9th Pen
3 Aug 42

4 Aug 42

5 Aug 42

6 Aug 42

7 Aug 42

8 Aug 42

9 Aug 42

10 Aug 42

11 Aug 42

12 Aug 42

13 Aug 42

14 Aug 42

15 Aug 42

16 Aug 42 Paid 10 Lires
17 Aug 42

18 Aug 42

19 Aug 42

20 Aug 42

21 Aug 42 Paid 10 Lires
22 Aug 42

23 Aug 42

24 Aug 42

25 Aug 42

26 Aug 42

27 Aug 42

28 Aug 42 Had 1st Canadian R-Cross parcel
29 Aug 42

30 Aug 42 Left Camp No 51
31 Aug 42 Arrived at Camp No 73 PM 3200 after 36 hours on train Carpi Modena 10th Pen. Food parcels in the Second World War
1 Sep 42
During the Second World War, the British Red Cross and Order of St John worked together as the Joint War Organisation to help wounded and sick servicemen. By the end of the Second World War, Joint War Organisation volunteers had sent over 20 million standard food parcels to British and Dominion prisoners of war.
2 Sep 42

3 Sep 42
The parcels were carefully chosen to give the best dietetic value and to supply elements that were lacking from prison camp diets. The parcels, usually sent at the rate of one per man per week, weighed around eleven pounds and contained, according to availability, some or all of the following items:
4 Sep 42
1/4lb packet of tea
5 Sep 42
tin of cocoa powder
6 Sep 42
bar of milk or plain chocolate
7 Sep 42
tinned pudding
8 Sep 42
tin of meat roll
9 Sep 42
tin of processed cheese
10 Sep 42
tin of condensed milk
11 Sep 42
tin of dried eggs
12 Sep 42
tin of sardines or herrings
13 Sep 42
tin of preserve
14 Sep 42
tin of margarine
15 Sep 42 Paid 15 Lires tin of sugar
16 Sep 42
tin of vegetables
17 Sep 42
tin of biscuits
18 Sep 42
bar of soap
19 Sep 42
tin of 50 cigarettes or tobacco (sent separately).
20 Sep 42
Volunteers staffed seventeen centres around the UK and packed up to 163,000 parcels each week. The Joint War Organisation had eight ships under permanent charter, with others standing by, to transport the parcels on the first stages of their journey to the prison camps.
21 Sep 42
The majority of these ships operated a shuttle service between Lisbon in neutral Portugal and Marseilles in the south of France. At Marseilles, the parcels were transferred to railway vans under the supervision of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Through the French and Swiss postal services, the parcels finally reached Geneva, where the International Committee of the Red Cross arranged for their distribution to prison camps in Germany and elsewhere.
22 Sep 42 Paid 9 Lires
23 Sep 42

24 Sep 42

25 Sep 42

26 Sep 42

27 Sep 42

28 Sep 42

29 Sep 42

30 Sep 42

1 Oct 42 Paid 15 Lires
2 Oct 42

3 Oct 42

4 Oct 42

5 Oct 42

6 Oct 42 Had 2nd Canadian Red Cross parcel
7 Oct 42

8 Oct 42

9 Oct 42

10 Oct 42

11 Oct 42

12 Oct 42 Had 3rd Red-Cross parcel (English)(14)
13 Oct 42

14 Oct 42 Received 1st letter from home dated 13.9.42
15 Oct 42

16 Oct 42 Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton Halton was Mary's Home (Dad's only sister)
17 Oct 42 Paid 15 Lire
18 Oct 42

19 Oct 42

20 Oct 42 Had ¼ of Red Cross parcel (English)(18)
21 Oct 42 Went out for a walk got a piece of pumkin and 1 potato
22 Oct 42 Had ¼ of Red Cross parcel (Canadian)
23 Oct 42

24 Oct 42 Wrote my mail. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Ebnal. Got 2nd letter home (23.9.42) Ebnal was Grandparents home
25 Oct 42

26 Oct 42 Rain
27 Oct 42 Had ¼ of Red Cross parcel (English) (16) Cigs 50 English
28 Oct 42

29 Oct 42 ¼ Red Cross parcel (English)(16)
30 Oct 42

31 Oct 42 ¼ Red Cross parcel (Scottish)(16) Wrote my mail. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
1 Nov 42

2 Nov 42 ¼ Red Cross parcel (British) Paid 16 Lire Canteen 1¼
3 Nov 42 Rain. Had bread & Cheese at 10:30 Dinner 4 o'clock Clocks back 1 hour.
4 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English) (16) 1 soap. Lecture by an air-observer. Franks birthday Canteen L6-32. Got the group-snap (L1 ½) Meat-day Cold out. Cigs 50 Eng.
5 Nov 42 Extra cheese ration not much. Rain 128th Day P.O.W.
6 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English) (18) 1 soap. Canteen L1-23.
7 Nov 42

8 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Welsh) (18) 1 soap. Canteen L-66. Wrote my mail. Made cake (OK). Rain. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
9 Nov 42 Received 3rd letter from home (6.10.42). Drew Iti clothes britches & putties, pullover, under pants  A puttee, also spelled puttie, is the name, adapted from the Hindi paṭṭī, bandage (Skt. paṭṭa, strip of cloth), for a covering for the lower part of the leg from the ankle to the knee.
10 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English) (16) Fruit issue. L5. Italian cigs (8). Drew more Iti clothes 1 towel, body belt, 1 hanky 1 shirt (blue) Iti - Italian
11 Nov 42 Observed 2 mins silence. Frosty night.
12 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English) (16) 50 E cigs. Canteen L-81 Iti cigs (8) Olive oil issue.
13 Nov 42

14 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English) (17) CanteenL-55 Olive oil issue, 1 soap, Iti cigs (8) 4 T.B.
15 Nov 42 Wrote my mail. Took over canteen man. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
16 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(16) Iti cigs (8) Canteen L1-00 D.B. V. cold
17 Nov 42 Paid 15 Lires
18 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Canadian) Iti cigs (8) English cigs 50. Bones. Canteen L-33. Paid 15 Lire
19 Nov 42

20 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Canadian) Iti cigs (8) Canteen L1.77 Went for a walk.
21 Nov 42 Had a hair cut. Meat day. Tins fatigue. Wrote mail.
22 Nov 42 On Fatigues Extra loaf Iti cigs (8) Frank's 1st letter. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton
23 Nov 42 Moved into the huts. Cold day. 11 Pen.
24 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Canadian) Iti cigs (8) 1 piece soap. On fatigues, extra loaf Canteen issue L-69c
25 Nov 42 Meat-day Very cold wind
26 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Canadian) Eng cigs 50 Canteen issue L3.
27 Nov 42 News of parcels to be halved
28 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Canadian) Iti cigs (8) Meat day. Canteen issue L2-0 1st concert in Hut 40
29 Nov 42 Small loaves, made with flour & maize meal, very good but moorish. Wrote my mail. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
30 Nov 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English) Iti cigs (8) 7/10 Tobacco. Washed my hair.
1 Dec 42

2 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(15) New R.S.M. Eng cigs 50 Meat Day. Canteen issue L3-05. 1Soap. Paid 15 lire Starting 4 days parcel issue
3 Dec 42

4 Dec 42 Canteen issue L2-72 Onions & Pumpkin pie. Frank got 1st letter from his mother.
5 Dec 42 Half biscuit issue W&B
6 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(15) Canteen issue L3-5
7 Dec 42 Wrote my mail. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
8 Dec 42

9 Dec 42

10 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(17) Eng cigs 25 Canteen L4-00
11 Dec 42 Iti cigs 8 Meat-day
12 Dec 42

13 Dec 42 Iti cigs 8 Rain. Read the P.O.W. News. 166 days a P.O.W.
14 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(18) Canteen L3 Frank's 3rd letter
15 Dec 42 Iti cigs 8 wrote mail. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
16 Dec 42

17 Dec 42 Iti cigs (8) Paid 15 lire
18 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (Scotish) Perth 1 soap. Canteen issue L3.5 Meat day. Hut had the bones. Eng cigs 25.
19 Dec 42 Iti cigs (8) Meat day. Rain. Had 4th letter from home ( 9.11.42) 1st Letter from Luton (15 Oct 42). Dad stayed with Mrs Haywood 22 Wenlock St. in Luton while training.
20 Dec 42 Canteen issue L5.0
21 Dec 42

22 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(18) English cigs 25. Drew the onions, apples & oranges of the Xmas order.
23 Dec 42 Paid 10 Lire, Iti cigs (8) Drew Xmas pears.
24 Dec 42 Drew Xmas pumpkin pie. Paid in our bill for Xmas order 221 lires. Received my Xmas parcel with 50 Eng cigs.
25 Dec 42 Started the day with tea, salmon & Sardines with Canadian biscuits. Dinner, onions & steak pudding. Plum pud & prunes Tea & bread. 5 o'clock Tea, Xmas cake & choc biscuits. Supper, Cheese & biscuits, felt a bit sick.
26 Dec 42 Canteen issue L53.00 Concert hut 40. 2 lots of stew.
27 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(18) Iti cigs (8) & 1 packet of tobacco (7). Meat and cheese issue.
28 Dec 42

29 Dec 42

30 Dec 42 Snow. Wrote mail. Extra cheese cuttings. Olive oil issue. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
31 Dec 42 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(18) Iti cigs (8). Inoculated for Dip. (1/3)

1943 Roll on Victory
1 Jan 43 New Year Canteen Issue L45.00 184 Days a P.O.W.
2 Jan 43 On tin Fatigues. Bad cold. Iti cigs (8)
3 Jan 43 Paid L6.00. Eng Cigs 25. Meat day.
4 Jan 43 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(18) 1 soap. Canteen issue l12.00. Iti cigs stopped. Meat
5 Jan 43

6 Jan 43 Canteen issue L24.00 Wrote my mail. Sent Letter card Luton and Post card to Home. Dad did training in Luton
7 Jan 43

8 Jan 43 ¼ RC Parcel (English)(18) Canteen issue L26.00 Onions, Pumpkin pie & carrots. Received 1st letter from Minnie dated 26.10.42. Wally went into hospital.
9 Jan 43

10 Jan 43

11 Jan 43

12 Jan 43 ¼ RC Parcel (Scottish)(19) 25 E Cigs. Canteen issue L12.00 Onions. Got battledress trousers.
13 Jan 43 2nd inoculation for dip (2/3)
14 Jan 43 Canteen issue L27.00 25 Eng cigs.
15 Jan 43 Wrote Mail. Big Nob in Camp. Sent Letter card Griffin and Post card to Home.
16 Jan 43 ¼ RC Parcel (Canadian). Canteen issue L62.00
17 Jan 43

18 Jan 43

19 Jan 43 Paid 15 Lires
20 Jan 43 Canteen issue L52.00. Bulk parcel issue. For the 1st time, to last for 7 days. Not so bad 31 Eng cigs.
21 Jan 43

22 Jan 43 Canteen issue L67.00 Iti cigs (7)
23 Jan 43 Olive oil issue. Iti cigs (7) ½ P of tobacco.
24 Jan 43 Wrote Mail, Canteen L30.00. 208 days a P.O.W. Sunday Iti cigs. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton. (7)
25 Jan 43 75 Left the camp. Had a hair-cut. Iti cigs (8)
26 Jan 43 Had 5th letter from home (14.12.42). Meat-day. Canteen L11.00. Iti cigs (8)
27 Jan 43 No parcels to-day. Eng. Cigs. 25. Iti cigs (8)
28 Jan 43 Meat-day V cold. Iti Cigs (8). Parcels at the station. Cpl Winter left T.61. 1 soap.
29 Jan 43 Free Onion issue OK. Iti Cigs (7)
30 Jan 43 Olive oil issue. Meat. M.O.s Inspection of Hut. Iti cigs (6)
31 Jan 43 Wrote Mail, Iti cigs (7). Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
1 Feb 43 Still no parcels. Iti Cigs (7)
2 Feb 43 Bulk issue (V. little) Iti cigs (7). Canteen Issue L62.00. C
3 Feb 43 Meat-day. Sun quite warm. Hut had the brused oranges. Iti Cigs (5).
4 Feb 43 Olive oil issue. 25 E cigs Iti cigs (11) 1/4 Pt of tobacco. Paid 16 Lires
5 Feb 43 ¼ RC Parcel (E) & Bulk dates.
6 Feb 43 Canteen issue L59.00 Meat. Iti cigs (8) Olive oil.
7 Feb 43 Snow & Sleet. Concert.
8 Feb 43 Canteen issue L57.00. Iti cigs (8) Housey. Mail. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to New Marton. Housey Housey game of Bingo.
9 Feb 43 ¼ R-C Parcel (E)(14). Eng Cigs 25. Lecture.
10 Feb 43 Meat Iti cigs (8) Rain.
11 Feb 43 ¼ R-C Parcel (E.15). Canteen L12.00
12 Feb 43 6th Letter from home (10.1.43). Iti cigs & Tobacco.
13 Feb 43 Tomo & Charlie left C.53.
14 Feb 43 Iti cigs (8) Sunny-day.
15 Feb 43 Bulk issue. OK. 25 biscuits. Eng Cigs 50. Canteen L18.00. Lecture on the South Pacific by R.S.M. Cotman. A.C.S.M. R.S.M. - Regimental Sergeant-Major
16 Feb 43 Wrote Mail. Meat-day. Rain. Iti cigs (8) Housey. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton Housey Housey - Bingo
17 Feb 43 232 days P.O.W. Olive oil issue, Paid L15.
18 Feb 43 Canteen issue L59.00. Iti cigs (8) Housey-- Lecture by a N.Z.r Escape from Greece.
19 Feb 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E)16 Birmingham
20 Feb 43 Canteen issue L30.00 +L12.00 Meat. 57. For food. O.O issue Iti Cigs (8) O.O. Olive Oil
21 Feb 43 Extra ½ Loaf. 1st letter from Dorothy (25.11.42).
22 Feb 43 Eng Cigs 50. Iti cigs 8. Canteen issue L22.00.
23 Feb 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S)16 Perth. Wrote mail. Cheese cuttings. Lecture on sea diving. C.P.O. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home Chief Petty Officer or Command Post Officer or Central Provision Office?
24 Feb 43 Canteen issue L8.00. Meat-day. Iti cigs (8)
25 Feb 43

26 Feb 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E.15) Scotland Bermondsey. Went for a walk. Iti Cigs (10) Mock trial in Hut.
27 Feb 43 Olive oil issue. Iti cigs (10) Housey..... Paid 13 Lires
28 Feb 43 Paid L13. Free Onion issue (Canteen). 1 onion (baked) instead of orange from cook-house. Housey--

1 Mar 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E14) Paddington. Harry & Pop. 1st Per. Parcel each. Lecture on New Zealand.
2 Mar 43 Canteen issue L57.00 O.O Issue. Iti cigs (8) Wrote mail. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to New Marton. O.O. OLive Oil?
3 Mar 43

4 Mar 43 Canteen issue L46.00+L9.00. Lecture on Fruit growing. O.O. issue Iti cigs (8)
5 Mar 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) New Mills English cigs 50. Lecture on Life in a London Store
6 Mar 43 Canteen issue L27.00 Iti cigs (8). Meat and O.O. Issue. Rain. Housey. ½ Yorkshire pudding for supper.
7 Mar 43 250 Days P.O.W Housey..
8 Mar 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) London Wye. Canteen L8.00
9 Mar 43

10 Mar 43 Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
11 Mar 43 7th Letter from Home (Dad 12.2.43). Had a letter from me dated Oct.
12 Mar 43 A.G.T. Bulk issue. Eng Cigs 50. 1st Letter from Norman (10.2.43).
13 Mar 43 Hut 33. Had the bones. Iti cigs (8) & Tob.
14 Mar 43

15 Mar 43 250 men left the pen. Received 8th letter from home (Mary 16.2.43), saying a lot of mail had got home O.K. J Salter to get married on Feb 19th.
16 Mar 43 Canteen issue L54.00C. O.O. Issue.
17 Mar 43 Told about farm-work, but nothing to prepare for, yet paid L15.00. Wrote mail.
18 Mar 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) London Y. 50 Eng cigs. Meat. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Ebnal.
19 Mar 43

20 Mar 43 Check parade by name.
21 Mar 43

22 Mar 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) N-hampton. Iti cigs (8) O.O. Issue. 9th Letter from Mother (27.2.43). Housey..
23 Mar 43

24 Mar 43 Wrote Mail, O.O. Issue. Meat. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
25 Mar 43

26 Mar 43 Bulk (A) issue. (50) Eng cigs.
27 Mar 43

28 Mar 43 Free Onion issue (Canteen). Lamb chops & peas for dinner.
29 Mar 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E14) Paddington.
30 Mar 43 H.W. Got his 1st parcel (P.)
31 Mar 43

1 Apr 43

2 Apr 43 2nd ½ R-C Parcel (E16) B.R.M. Got my 1st personal parcel. Paid L16.00. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
3 Apr 43

4 Apr 43

5 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) Bermondsey R.C. Bulk sugar issue. Iti cigs (8).
6 Apr 43 Had a hair cut. Meat & Baked onion.
7 Apr 43

8 Apr 43

9 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E15) North-Row Eng cigs (16) Iti (8) Meat-day. Frank got Cig Parcel 200 Players. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
10 Apr 43

11 Apr 43

12 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) Leicester
13 Apr 43

14 Apr 43

15 Apr 43 Paid 15 Lires
16 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) New Mills 50 English cigs. 2nd Letter from Luton (18.2.43). Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
17 Apr 43

18 Apr 43

19 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (W16) Caenarvon. 2nd Letter from Minnie (1.2.43). Roll-call by name.
20 Apr 43

21 Apr 43

22 Apr 43

23 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) New Mills. English cigs 50. Wrote mail. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Griffin.
24 Apr 43 Frank got his Per.-parcel. Hut had the cheese cuttings.
25 Apr 43 Easter-Sunday Concert.
26 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S17) Glassgow.
27 Apr 43

28 Apr 43 10th Letter from Mother. (6.3.43)
29 Apr 43

30 Apr 43 ½ R-C Parcel (Canadian)15 Issued with pot, bowls, plates & mugs. Letter from Mary 3.2.43 M & M. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
1 May 43 2nd Personal Parcel
2 May 43 Paid L15. Frank 2nd cig parcel.
3 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (Canadian)15
4 May 43

5 May 43 Had hair cut. Rain.
6 May 43

7 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (Canadian)15 Wrote mail. Sent Letter card Halton and Post card to Home.
8 May 43 312 days P.O.W.
9 May 43

10 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) New Mils. Letters from Mother (12th 19.3.43) Dad (13th 31.3.43) & Dorothy (2nd 3.4.43) & Auntie Edith (1st 6.4.43). Got new boots.
11 May 43

12 May 43

13 May 43

14 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E15) North-Row Won a tin of milk. 50 E cigs. Had 200 cigs from Regt-funds. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to New Marton.
15 May 43

16 May 43

17 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S17) Stirling. Paid L15. Cup final 23 Hut won 3-1 H 43.
18 May 43

19 May 43

20 May 43

21 May 43 A.G.T. Bulk issue. 20th May. Eng Cigs 50. Dorthy 20 today
22 May 43 Wrote Mail. Thunder. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Luton.
23 May 43

24 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) N. Hamp.
25 May 43 Told that we were on Draft. Paid L10.00
26 May 43 Left C73 for working camp. Selvd 12 pen Molinella. Paid L10. Molinella is a comune (municipality) part of Metropolitan City of Bologna in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna,
27 May 43 Paid 20 Lires. Started work.
28 May 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E14) N. Row
29 May 43

30 May 43 Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
31 May 43

1 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S) Perth
2 Jun 43

3 Jun 43

4 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) New Mills + ½ R-C Milk Parcel
5 Jun 43

6 Jun 43 Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Griffin.
7 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E16) Leicester. E 50 cigs.
8 Jun 43 Letter from Mother (14th 10.5.43). 2 foot-balls arrived. No work.
9 Jun 43

10 Jun 43

11 Jun 43 ½ R-C Food Parcel (E) Paddington. E Cigs 50. Marry been married 3 yrs to-day.
12 Jun 43

13 Jun 43

14 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) London Y. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to New Marton.
15 Jun 43

16 Jun 43 Paid L28.00 Picking E. Potatoes. There is a photo of the ladies he was picking potatoes with.
17 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) North-Row.
18 Jun 43 Rain. No work.
19 Jun 43

20 Jun 43 Cutting wheat.
21 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S) Howick. ½ R-C Food Parcel
22 Jun 43

23 Jun 43

24 Jun 43

25 Jun 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) New Mills
26 Jun 43

27 Jun 43

28 Jun 43 My 24th Birth Day. ½ R-C Parcel (E) London Y. Wrote mail. 15th Letter from Mum 25.5.43. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
29 Jun 43

30 Jun 43

1 Jul 43 One Year in the bag.
2 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Bermondsey 50 E Cigs. No work.
3 Jul 43 Paid 46 Lires
4 Jul 43

5 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Bermondsey Paid L46.00
6 Jul 43 Sent Letter card Home and Post card to New Marton.
7 Jul 43

8 Jul 43

9 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Paddington. ½ R-C Milk Parcel.
10 Jul 43 Wt. 70 Kilos. ab. 154 lbs.
11 Jul 43

12 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (Lee Green)
13 Jul 43

14 Jul 43

15 Jul 43 ½ R-C + ½ milk.
16 Jul 43 Paid 58 Lires
17 Jul 43 2 Letters from mother & Snap (16th 24.3.43 + 20.4.43), Mary (14.4.43), Dad & Snap (1.4.43) Aunt Edith (6.6.43), Luton (1.5.43) and Frank (22.4.43)
18 Jul 43

19 Jul 43 Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
20 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (Chip..)
21 Jul 43

22 Jul 43 20th Letter and Snap from Mum (15.5.43). Snap - photograph
23 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) London Y 50 E Cigs
24 Jul 43

25 Jul 43

26 Jul 43

27 Jul 43

28 Jul 43

29 Jul 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Lea Green ½ R-C Milk
30 Jul 43

31 Jul 43

1 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) N. Row Everything at a standstill. No work. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
2 Aug 43

3 Aug 43

4 Aug 43

5 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) London Y
6 Aug 43

7 Aug 43 2 Letters from home (21st 14.6.43 & 22nd 24.6.43) and Minnie (3rd 26.6.43)
8 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Chip--
9 Aug 43 Paid L45.00 No work.
10 Aug 43

11 Aug 43 Letter from Dad (8.6.43), M & M(Land-) (10.6.43), Mum & Snap of (C.A. - Curigwen) (8.3.43)
12 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Paddington
13 Aug 43

14 Aug 43

15 Aug 43

16 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S) Edinburgh.
17 Aug 43

18 Aug 43 Sent Letter card New Marton and Post card to Home.
19 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (S) Edinburgh
20 Aug 43 Paid L 27.00
21 Aug 43 Paid L27
22 Aug 43 26th Letter from Mum (28.4.43).
23 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Bermondsey. Sent Letter card Home and Post card to Halton.
24 Aug 43

25 Aug 43

26 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) Hove
27 Aug 43

28 Aug 43 Received a lot of mail (10) 2 from mother (+snap 14.7.43 & 5.7.43), Mary (18.7.43), Dorothy (8.7.43), 6 from Minnie (+snap 17.7.43, 6.7.43, 8.7.43, 10.7.43, 25.7.43, 28.7.43)
29 Aug 43

30 Aug 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E)16 Chip.-
31 Aug 43

1 Sep 43

2 Sep 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E) L::Green. Bombing 11 o/cl. Paid 47 Lires
3 Sep 43 4 years of War Invasion. Italy capitulated to the Allies
4 Sep 43

5 Sep 43

6 Sep 43 ½ R-C Parcel (E)16 Howick. Wrote mail.
7 Sep 43 Italy packed in, Ities going mad outside the pen. Italy surrenders on 3 September 1943
8 Sep 43

9 Sep 43 Free-men. But no where to go.
10 Sep 43 Slept under dutch-barn.
11 Sep 43

12 Sep 43 Moved to another barn,
13 Sep 43

14 Sep 43

15 Sep 43

16 Sep 43

17 Sep 43 Back at camp.
18 Sep 43 1:30 am Gerry took us P.O.W.s went by lorry to Bologna in the barracks [A] 13 pen.
19 Sep 43

20 Sep 43

21 Sep 43

22 Sep 43

23 Sep 43

24 Sep 43 Left Bologna by train for Stalag.
25 Sep 43

26 Sep 43

27 Sep 43 Arrived at a transit camp Sofbln Vicn. Jacobsthal. 14th pen.
28 Sep 43

29 Sep 43

30 Sep 43

1 Oct 43

2 Oct 43

3 Oct 43

4 Oct 43

5 Oct 43

6 Oct 43

7 Oct 43

8 Oct 43

9 Oct 43 Wrote card home.
10 Oct 43

11 Oct 43

12 Oct 43

13 Oct 43 Moved to another pen. 15th Pen.
14 Oct 43

15 Oct 43

16 Oct 43 Walked about 5 mls. To Mühlberg P.O.W. Camp 16 Pen. Had a shower and clothes gassed. Inoculated & Vaccinated, Had our kits looked through. So to bed. Tired. 17 pen. Stalag 4.B. Hair-off.
17 Oct 43 We were Reg... & filled a lot of papers in. Got my disc No. 251039. Finger prints taken, & our photos. Handed 162 Lires in for Exc.e.
Bread 1 loaf between 5.
Meat 1 tin between 30.
Marg. 1 pat between 30.
Potatoes & gravy. G. Tea.

18 Oct 43 Painted. Red. (two triangles was drawn in)
19 Oct 43 We left S.4B went through Dresden. Stalag 4B
20 Oct 43 Landed at Brux. In CH-SL Walked to a camp everything just the job. 18th pen. Harry did not arrive. L28 (B) Brüx, in Czechia;
21 Oct 43 Wrote card home. 2nd
22 Oct 43

23 Oct 43 Walked to our place of work for interview 2KLs.
24 Oct 43

25 Oct 43 Wrote letter card home. 3rd. Started work in Germany.
26 Oct 43

27 Oct 43

28 Oct 43

29 Oct 43

30 Oct 43

31 Oct 43 Wrote card to Halton. 7 days of work. ½ 5 & ½ S. Received 1st complete (E) parcel (F) 50 E cigs.
1 Nov 43

2 Nov 43

3 Nov 43

4 Nov 43

5 Nov 43

6 Nov 43 ½ Day off
7 Nov 43 Day off. 1 Canadian parcel. 50 E Cigs. Wrote card to Dorothy. L-card home.
8 Nov 43

9 Nov 43

10 Nov 43 1st fall of snow. V. cold.
11 Nov 43

12 Nov 43

13 Nov 43 ½ Day off. Received gloves to work in.
14 Nov 43 Day off. 1 Canadian parcel. 50 E Cigs. Wrote card to Minnie.
15 Nov 43

16 Nov 43

17 Nov 43

18 Nov 43

19 Nov 43

20 Nov 43 ½ Day off
21 Nov 43 ½ Day off. 1 Canadian parcel 1tin of tobacco, 20 cigs. Wrote L-card home.
22 Nov 43

23 Nov 43

24 Nov 43

25 Nov 43

26 Nov 43

27 Nov 43 ½ Day off. Took my tach off. Moustache? Dad did have a Hitler style moustache most of his life.
28 Nov 43 Day off. ½ (E) parcel. 50 E Cigs. W. Wrote Post card home.
29 Nov 43

30 Nov 43

1 Dec 43

2 Dec 43

3 Dec 43

4 Dec 43 ½ Day off. Sick at night
5 Dec 43 Day off. ½ E arcel. 50 E Cigs. Wrote Post card home, Letter card Halton.
6 Dec 43

7 Dec 43

8 Dec 43 ½ E Parcel.
9 Dec 43

10 Dec 43

11 Dec 43 Moved over the road to another pen. (19) Liz 27 (b)
12 Dec 43 ½ Canadian parcel. 50 cigs. Wrote card to Dorothy. Day off. ½ DaySat.
13 Dec 43

14 Dec 43 Had boots repaired. Paid cOct. 5.50 Marks
15 Dec 43 ½ Canadian parcel.
16 Dec 43

17 Dec 43

18 Dec 43 ½ Day off Sat
19 Dec 43 ½ Day off Sun. ½ Canadian parcel. 50 Cigs. Wrote Post card home, Letter card to Minnie.
20 Dec 43

21 Dec 43

22 Dec 43

23 Dec 43

24 Dec 43 ½ Day off Received 1 Xmas parcel & 100 cigs.
25 Dec 43 Day off. Plenty of good food to eat. Snow outside. Barrel of beer in the hut. Concert to-night.
26 Dec 43 Day off. Wrote post card to Halton.
27 Dec 43

28 Dec 43

29 Dec 43 ½ Canadian parcel.
30 Dec 43

31 Dec 43 ½ Day off. Paid uNov 40.50 Marks. Last day of 43, snowing very heavy & cold. Let the N Year in, very tired.

“1944” Roll on the end.
1 Jan 44 Been 18 months in the bag. Day off work. Did a bit of washing.
2 Jan 44 Day off. ½ Canadian parcel. Wrote Post card Ebnal, letter home.
3 Jan 44

4 Jan 44

5 Jan 44 ½ Canadian parcel.
6 Jan 44

7 Jan 44 uDec. 40.50 Marks
8 Jan 44

9 Jan 44 Day off. ½ New Zealand parcel. Wrote Post card Dorothy.
10 Jan 44

11 Jan 44

12 Jan 44 ½ New Zealand parcel. Came home from work sick.
13 Jan 44 Day off sick. Letter from home (24.11.43)
14 Jan 44

15 Jan 44

16 Jan 44 ½ (E) parcel. Tony went on leave. Wrote letter home.
17 Jan 44

18 Jan 44

19 Jan 44 ½ (E) parcel.
20 Jan 44

21 Jan 44 400 more arrive. Total 1,500.
22 Jan 44 ½ Day.
23 Jan 44 1 Canadian Parcel. Day off.
24 Jan 44 Day light raid, mid-day.
25 Jan 44 Paid cNov. 24.70 Marks
26 Jan 44

27 Jan 44

28 Jan 44

29 Jan 44

30 Jan 44 1 New Zealand parcel. ½ Day. Bulk biscuits, cheese & sugar. Wrote letter Halton.
31 Jan 44

1 Feb 44 Tony back at work.
2 Feb 44

3 Feb 44

4 Feb 44

5 Feb 44

6 Feb 44 1 Canadian Parcel. Day off. Wrote Post card home.
7 Feb 44 Received mail from Mary (18.12.43).
8 Feb 44

9 Feb 44 Received mail from Mother (28.12.43)
10 Feb 44

11 Feb 44

12 Feb 44 Received mail from Mother (10.12.43) and Norman (3.1.44)
13 Feb 44 1 English parcel.
14 Feb 44

15 Feb 44

16 Feb 44

17 Feb 44

18 Feb 44 Paid uJan. 37.50 Marks
19 Feb 44 Letter from Mother (15.12.43). Wrote letter home, post card Halton. Dad running out of paper/pad so entries are short.
20 Feb 44 N.Z.P. 27th Canadian P. N.W.
21 Feb 44

22 Feb 44

23 Feb 44

24 Feb 44 Paid cDec. 24.70 Marks
25 Feb 44

26 Feb 44

27 Feb 44 Canadian parcel N.W.
28 Feb 44

29 Feb 44

1 Mar 44

2 Mar 44

3 Mar 44 Letter from Minnie (30.12.43)
4 Mar 44

5 Mar 44 N.W. N-Z P.
6 Mar 44 Wrote Post card home, Letter to Minnie.
7 Mar 44

8 Mar 44

9 Mar 44 Letter from Mother (12.1.44)
10 Mar 44

11 Mar 44

12 Mar 44 ½ Day off 1 Canadian.
13 Mar 44

14 Mar 44 Letter from Dorothy (3.1.44). Wrote Post card Halton.
15 Mar 44

16 Mar 44

17 Mar 44

18 Mar 44

19 Mar 44 Bulk.
20 Mar 44 Wrote letter card Dorothy.
21 Mar 44

22 Mar 44

23 Mar 44

24 Mar 44

25 Mar 44

26 Mar 44 1 Canadian Parcel. Day off. Boots repaired. Wrote Post card home.
27 Mar 44 Letter from Mother (8.2.44)
28 Mar 44

29 Mar 44

30 Mar 44

31 Mar 44 Paid cJan. 22.00 Marks. Letter from M. Ellis (4.2.44)
1 Apr 44

2 Apr 44 English. ½ Day off. Wrote Post card Mary.
3 Apr 44

4 Apr 44

5 Apr 44

6 Apr 44 1st Personal Parcel Sent 3.1.44. Letter from Dad (23.1.44)
7 Apr 44

8 Apr 44

9 Apr 44

10 Apr 44 Eng. P.C.L. Day-off. Easter Monday. Wrote Post card home.
11 Apr 44

12 Apr 44

13 Apr 44

14 Apr 44

15 Apr 44 Letter and snap from Mary (1.2.44) and from Dorothy (2.2.44)
16 Apr 44

17 Apr 44 N.Z. New Zealand Parcel
18 Apr 44

19 Apr 44

20 Apr 44

21 Apr 44

22 Apr 44

23 Apr 44

24 Apr 44 Wrote Post card Dorothy, and letter home.
25 Apr 44 E. Parcel.
26 Apr 44

27 Apr 44

28 Apr 44 Paid cFeb. 25.00 Marks
29 Apr 44 Moved to N.22 Lager. Pen 20. Lager in Czechia
30 Apr 44 Canadian parcel.
1 May 44 No work.
2 May 44

3 May 44

4 May 44

5 May 44

6 May 44 N.Z.
7 May 44

8 May 44

9 May 44 Minnie 20 today
10 May 44

11 May 44 2 Letters from Home (2.3.44) (28.2.44) from Minnie (28.2.44) and from Luton (15.2.44)
12 May 44 20 Mins bombing. 33 dead.
13 May 44 E.P. ½ Day
14 May 44

15 May 44 Wrote letter card home, post card to Minnie.
16 May 44

17 May 44

18 May 44

19 May 44

20 May 44 C.P.
21 May 44

22 May 44

23 May 44

24 May 44

25 May 44

26 May 44

27 May 44

28 May 44 N.Z. Wrote Post card Mary.
29 May 44

30 May 44

31 May 44

1 Jun 44

2 Jun 44

3 Jun 44 Paid cMarch. 30.0 Marks
4 Jun 44 C.P.
5 Jun 44 Rome F. Wrote Post card home.
6 Jun 44 Invasion of France
7 Jun 44

8 Jun 44

9 Jun 44 2nd Personal Parcel send 28.1.44. Letter from Mrs Salter (19.3.44)
10 Jun 44

11 Jun 44

12 Jun 44

13 Jun 44

14 Jun 44

15 Jun 44

16 Jun 44

17 Jun 44

18 Jun 44 Wrote Post card home, and post card to Mrs Salter. Cigs.
19 Jun 44

20 Jun 44

21 Jun 44

22 Jun 44

23 Jun 44

24 Jun 44 Paid u&cApr. 61.10 Marks
25 Jun 44 Wrote Post letter home.
26 Jun 44 C. Fell Cherbourg is liberated by American troops.
27 Jun 44

28 Jun 44 2 Letter from Minnie (7.3.44) and (11.3.44)
29 Jun 44

30 Jun 44

1 Jul 44 2 years in the bag. Letter from Mother (14.4.44) and Norman (15.4.44). Wrote Post card Dorothy, and Mary.
2 Jul 44

3 Jul 44

4 Jul 44

5 Jul 44

6 Jul 44

7 Jul 44

8 Jul 44

9 Jul 44

10 Jul 44 Wrote Post card Norman, and letter to Minnie.
11 Jul 44

12 Jul 44 2 Letters from Minnie (22.3.44) and (24.3.44) and 2 from Mother (10.3.44) and (24.3.44)
13 Jul 44

14 Jul 44

15 Jul 44

16 Jul 44

17 Jul 44

18 Jul 44

19 Jul 44 Letter from Mother (26.2.44)
20 Jul 44

21 Jul 44 35 minutes bombing. 11 dead.
22 Jul 44

23 Jul 44

24 Jul 44

25 Jul 44

26 Jul 44

27 Jul 44 Paid u&cMay. 62.00 Marks. 2 Letters from Minnie (7.4.44) and (15.4.44)
28 Jul 44

29 Jul 44 Tony back to front.
30 Jul 44

31 Jul 44

1 Aug 44 SS took over works. Got new boots. Swapped Bill for P.P.
2 Aug 44 Letter from Minnie (11.4.44)
3 Aug 44

4 Aug 44

5 Aug 44 Wrote Post card Minnie, and to home.
6 Aug 44

7 Aug 44

8 Aug 44 To 16th Off Sick. Fingers [3] G.h.t. ??
9 Aug 44

10 Aug 44

11 Aug 44

12 Aug 44 Letter from Minnie (16.5.44) and Dorothy (14.5.44)
13 Aug 44

14 Aug 44 Wrote letter card Dorothy, Minnie and home.
15 Aug 44

16 Aug 44 Letters from Mother (20.5.44) and Minnie (1.7.44)
17 Aug 44

18 Aug 44

19 Aug 44 To 2nd Sept. Letter from Mother (15.7.44) ?? mot sure what to 2nd Sept means. Maybe still off sick.
20 Aug 44 Paid u&cJune. 60.00 Marks
21 Aug 44

22 Aug 44

23 Aug 44

24 Aug 44 Bombing 15 mins RAF. 1 [Dead] Paris, Manc. & Romania Ocet
25 Aug 44 Credit Balance was £248.9.3 5/6 a day
26 Aug 44

27 Aug 44

28 Aug 44 No NY, PDs. Wrote Post card home.
29 Aug 44

30 Aug 44

31 Aug 44

1 Sep 44

2 Sep 44 Letter from Minnie (29.7.44). Wrote Post card Mary and Minnie.
3 Sep 44

4 Sep 44

5 Sep 44

6 Sep 44 Letter from Mary (17.6.44)
7 Sep 44

8 Sep 44

9 Sep 44

10 Sep 44 Wrote Post card home, letter to Dorothy and Minnie.
11 Sep 44 Bombing
12 Sep 44 Bombing. Letters from Dad + S.FG. (29.6.44), Mum (7.7.44 & 8.8.44)
13 Sep 44

14 Sep 44 To 29th Oct Off sick. Letter from Minnie (8.8.44)
15 Sep 44

16 Sep 44 Wrote Post card Minnie, Mum and Luton.
17 Sep 44

18 Sep 44

19 Sep 44 Letters from Mother (27.6.44) and Aunt Edith (17.5.44)
20 Sep 44

21 Sep 44

22 Sep 44 Paid u&cJuly. 53.50 Marks
23 Sep 44 Bombing
24 Sep 44 Wrote Post card Pentre Wern and A-Edith. Aunt Edith
25 Sep 44

26 Sep 44

27 Sep 44

28 Sep 44 Sent 150 Ms home, Wrote Post card home, S. My. H.
29 Sep 44 Credit Balance was £252.19.0
30 Sep 44 Letter from Regt-Paymaster (12.9.44)
1 Oct 44

2 Oct 44

3 Oct 44

4 Oct 44

5 Oct 44 Wrote Post card Mary.
6 Oct 44 Received 200 cigs from Regt.
7 Oct 44

8 Oct 44 Wrote Post card Dorothy, and letter home.
9 Oct 44

10 Oct 44 Received 200 Cigs from Regt. Regiment
11 Oct 44

12 Oct 44 Letters from Mary (13.8.44 & 10.9.44) and Minnie (5.9.44)
13 Oct 44

14 Oct 44

15 Oct 44 Received 200 cigs from Nor. Wrote Post card Nor and Minnie. Norman Mottram was Dad's Best man
16 Oct 44

17 Oct 44 Bombing & A lot of fighters
18 Oct 44

19 Oct 44 Letter from Mum (1.8.44 & 25.8.44(50))
20 Oct 44 Bombing. Brux.
21 Oct 44

22 Oct 44 Wrote letter card home, and post card Mary.
23 Oct 44 Fire Bombs
24 Oct 44

25 Oct 44

26 Oct 44 Paid u&cAugust. 15.00 Marks. Letter from Dorothy (1.7.44) and 2 from Minnie (8.8.44 & 27.9.44)
27 Oct 44

28 Oct 44 Received 3rd Personal Parcel dated 8th Aug 1944. Wrote letter card Dorothy.
29 Oct 44

30 Oct 44 Letter from Minnie (23.8.44)
31 Oct 44

1 Nov 44 Wrote Post card home.
2 Nov 44 To 20th Nov Off sick.
3 Nov 44

4 Nov 44

5 Nov 44

6 Nov 44

7 Nov 44 Letters from Mum (23.9.44) and Minnie (24.9.44)
8 Nov 44 Wrote Post card Minnie, and Mary.
9 Nov 44

10 Nov 44

11 Nov 44

12 Nov 44

13 Nov 44

14 Nov 44 Wrote letter card Nor, and post card home.
15 Nov 44

16 Nov 44 Received 200 cigs from Mum
17 Nov 44

18 Nov 44

19 Nov 44

20 Nov 44 Paid Sept. 18.00 Marks. Wrote letter card home.
21 Nov 44

22 Nov 44

23 Nov 44 Letters from Minnie (18.8.44 & 19.8.44) Nor (28.8.44) Norman
24 Nov 44

25 Nov 44

26 Nov 44

27 Nov 44 Wrote Post card home.
28 Nov 44

29 Nov 44

30 Nov 44

1 Dec 44

2 Dec 44

3 Dec 44 Letter from Dorothy (15.10.44)
4 Dec 44 2 Letters from Minnie one with 2 snaps (5.7.44 & 14.10.44), wrote Post card Mary and Dorothy.
5 Dec 44

6 Dec 44

7 Dec 44 Wrote letter card Minnie.
8 Dec 44

9 Dec 44 Letter from Minnie(25.10.44)
10 Dec 44

11 Dec 44

12 Dec 44 Letter from Minnie(30.10.44), Wrote letter card home.
13 Dec 44

14 Dec 44

15 Dec 44

16 Dec 44 Bombing
17 Dec 44 Paid Oct. 3.00 Marks
18 Dec 44

19 Dec 44

20 Dec 44 Bombing
21 Dec 44 Letters from Minnie (12.7.44) and Mary (10.11.44)
22 Dec 44

23 Dec 44

24 Dec 44

25 Dec 44 Bombing (9 Dead)
26 Dec 44 Letters from Mum (25.4.44) and Dad (25.5.44), wrote Post card home and Mary.
27 Dec 44

28 Dec 44

29 Dec 44

30 Dec 44

31 Dec 44 So, the end of 1944 “What a year”
1 Jan 45

2 Jan 45

3 Jan 45

4 Jan 45

5 Jan 45

6 Jan 45 Letter from Minnie (28.9.44)
7 Jan 45 Wrote Post card home, to Minnie and to Dorothy.
8 Jan 45 Received 200 cigs from Mum
9 Jan 45 Received 100 French cigs
10 Jan 45

11 Jan 45

12 Jan 45 Letter from Mum (1.11.44)
13 Jan 45

14 Jan 45

15 Jan 45 Wrote Post card Mary, and Nor and letter card home.
16 Jan 45 Night bombing. 600 bombers. Letters from Mum (15.10.44) and Dorothy (2.9.44)
17 Jan 45

18 Jan 45

19 Jan 45

20 Jan 45 Day light air display by R.A.F.
21 Jan 45

22 Jan 45 Wrote Post card home.
23 Jan 45

24 Jan 45

25 Jan 45

26 Jan 45

27 Jan 45 Started to work by 200. B. Finy & Albert. Paid Nov. 14.00 RM
28 Jan 45

29 Jan 45 Wrote Post card home.
30 Jan 45

31 Jan 45

1 Feb 45

2 Feb 45

3 Feb 45 ½ day Sat. Alarm ¼ to 12.
4 Feb 45

5 Feb 45

6 Feb 45

7 Feb 45

8 Feb 45

9 Feb 45

10 Feb 45

11 Feb 45

12 Feb 45 D-Off Sun 1st for a month. Day off
13 Feb 45 Bombing of Dresden, 1,400 over us.
14 Feb 45 Bombing day & night. Fires. (1 dead F.B.)
15 Feb 45 Wrote Post card home.
16 Feb 45

17 Feb 45 ½ day. Hair-cut. Paid Dec. 36.00 RM
18 Feb 45 Wrote Post card Mary.
19 Feb 45

20 Feb 45

21 Feb 45 Letter from Minnie (18.11.44)
22 Feb 45

23 Feb 45 50 French cigs & 3 pts. Tobacco.
24 Feb 45 Moved to Hut 101. B17. Chezy lager.
25 Feb 45 Letter from Dorothy (15.11.44)
26 Feb 45 Wrote Post card Dorothy and home.
27 Feb 45 Letters from Dorothy (17.12.44) and Minnie (20.12.44)
28 Feb 45

1 Mar 45

2 Mar 45

3 Mar 45 Wrote letter card home.
4 Mar 45 Day off Sun.
5 Mar 45 6.30/6. Work. Bombing at night 2 or 3 planes. 23 Hs & 13 Fr killed. Wrote Post card Minnie.
6 Mar 45

7 Mar 45 Boys over the Rhine.
8 Mar 45 Collin Cope shot in camp.
9 Mar 45

10 Mar 45

11 Mar 45 1 Canadian Parcel to 8 men. Day off.
12 Mar 45 Wrote Post card Mary, and letter card Dorothy.
13 Mar 45

14 Mar 45

15 Mar 45

16 Mar 45 Last issue of Bulk, except odds & sods.
17 Mar 45 Day light air display by R.A.F.

Click for full size image
18 Mar 45 Day off Sun. 1,200 more men arrive. Paid Jan. 40.00 RM
19 Mar 45
20 Mar 45
21 Mar 45 Parcels arrive by motor lorry. Direct.
22 Mar 45 ¼ Prt American.
23 Mar 45 Off-sick to 2.4.45.
24 Mar 45
25 Mar 45 Met Frank in Camp. ¾ of Christmas parcel a man.
26 Mar 45 Letters from Minnie (20.11.44), Mum (11.11.44) and Dad (27.11.44)
27 Mar 45

28 Mar 45 Letters from Minnie (15.12.44) & (15.12.44). Wrote Post card home, and letter card Minnie.
29 Mar 45 Wrote Post card Mary.
30 Mar 45

31 Mar 45

1 Apr 45 Easter Sun. News good. But no parcels
2 Apr 45 1 Canadian Parcel / 9 men. No work. 8 O'ct at night 6 white wagons arrive. 1 American Pt/2 men. No sleep.
3 Apr 45 Work 6am to 5pm. 160 mls Berlin
4 Apr 45

5 Apr 45

6 Apr 45

7 Apr 45 1 milk parcel/5 men. ½ day off.
8 Apr 45 Sun off. 9 Alarms during the day.
9 Apr 45

10 Apr 45

11 Apr 45

12 Apr 45

13 Apr 45

14 Apr 45 ½ day. Told to expect the boys any day now. Gerry rations bust. But who cares, the end is here.
15 Apr 45 A few mustangs did a bit of machine gunning. U.S. Army Air Forces P-51 Mustang fighter airplanes
16 Apr 45 A few fighters around, but no tanks or cigs. Gerries give it 2 or 3 days.
17 Apr 45

18 Apr 45

19 Apr 45

20 Apr 45

21 Apr 45 ½ day. Had 100 Polish cigs 18th. Paid Feb. 40.00 RM
22 Apr 45 D-off. Received 14 letters. Dorothy (3.12.44), Mother (2.12.44) & (14.12.44) & (26.12.44), Nor (5.1.45), A-Edith (30.11.44), A-Adelaide (11.12.44) A-Lucy (3.12.44), Minnie (23.11.44) & (29.11.44) & (18.12.44) & (9.12.44) & (1.1.45) & (8.1.45). News still smashing. Hair-cut.
23 Apr 45

24 Apr 45

25 Apr 45

26 Apr 45

27 Apr 45

28 Apr 45 ½ day. Come on the end soon.
29 Apr 45 Day-off. Went to concert with Frank.
30 Apr 45

1 May 45 Started to work 7:30 to 5 O'cl. Hardly any civies in the factory. But the war still goes on, any hour.
2 May 45

3 May 45

4 May 45

5 May 45 ½ day. Concert. Chezy's Rise.
6 May 45 D-off. Raining.
7 May 45 Packed our kit.
8 May 45 Heavy battle 8-9 for Hill pass. Gerry's tanks fleed, to the Yanks. 9:10 Ordered to get marching 3,300 went. 3 O'cl 2 Russian tanks came down the road. A lot of machine gunning & about 10 shots fired by the Russians. 5 O'cl all quiet. First look at the Great Red Army, what a shower but very friendly with the boys.
Joe - Joseph Stalin Russian Leader. Dad had draw a Russian Hammer and Sickle symbol here.
9 May 45 Walked around, had too much to eat. Sick all night. After 5 weeks on 300 & 2.50 Bread, 50 gms soup, spuds (4 to 5) Dad finally free after 2 years 10 month and 9 days in captivity.
10 May 45 In camp FOOD AGAIN. Bill killed a cow.
11 May 45 Cleaned out the room & Spring beds in, good food & wine. Very warm out.
12 May 45

13 May 45

14 May 45

15 May 45

16 May 45

17 May 45

18 May 45

19 May 45

20 May 45 Great event 200 wagons arrive to get us out. 50/wagon. Comitau, Karlsbad, Pilson. Compound rations lobbed out. No sleep, but good to be with our own people again.
21 May 45 Planes or not today. That's the thing.

Dorothy Hill who was the funeral director in Chirk, told me she remembered my father's return from the war. She was only young but said that half of Chirk were there to see him return, but that he was in a bad way. When we cleared my Grandfather's house we found two bottles of champagne and bunting which were never used, because my Dad was too ill.